Friday 18 July 2008

13 days to go!!!

I remember when all this was just fields you know...oh, hang on, it still is! Yes, with 2 weeks to go the site currently looks as above. But not for much longer, the Festival site is now about to be built. Check back here soon for more updates on its progress as inch ever closer to the event.


Charles said...

Has anyone herd of the folk thing at the Vibe Bar in London a few days before the festival. Is it associated with anny of the events or is it seperate from it?

wimps said...

We like Cambridge. We like Neil's knobbly knees too.

flydarling said...

Wow, this is one of the most impressive views, to see the park 'untouched'. I've been to the festival each year since 1998. But I've never visited the site in between. This is a testament to the team - I'm amazed you can minimise our impact each year, thank you! Cheers, Lesley

flydarling said...

I think this is one of the best images, as I've never visited the park out of festival hours. Wow, what an amazing job to keep getting back to this in between. Cheers guys, Lesley