Thursday 31 July 2008

Cherryholmes rocked Stage 2

Nashville bluegrass band Cherryholmes brought colour, style and some amazing sounds to Stage 2 as the heavens threatened to open once again outside the tent. Both a visual and aural spectacle the Grammy nominated family band will also play a set again on Friday on Stage 1, so if you'r reading this at the actual Festival and didnt manage to catch them, then don't miss out the second time round!


Unknown said...

Terrific bluegrass band. Went down very well with the crowd. Liked their version of "Devil in disguise", the old Flying Burrito Brothers song. A great family act with ZZTop-lookalike Dad, Mum and 4 children from 16 to their twenties all great musicians and singers. Recommended for main stage on Friday at 2.05 PM

Rach said...

They were ace! Didn't know we liked Bluegrass till we saw these folks perform.